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 The biggest lever an organisation can pull to support employee wellbeing

The biggest lever an organisation can pull to support employee wellbeing 

In today’s workplaces, addressing the mental health and wellbeing of employees has become crucial. With psychosocial hazards, if left unaddressed, posing significant risks, organisations need effective strategies to create supportive environments. Upskilling leaders to exhibit supportive leadership behaviours and engage in meaningful wellbeing conversations can be one of the most effective strategies an organisation can harness. This approach not only acts as an important protective factor that cuts across all 12 psychosocial hazards but also considers the entire employee wellbeing continuum. 

The Role of Supportive Leadership in Addressing Workplace Psychosocial Hazards 

Workplace psychosocial hazards, such as high job demands, low control, and poor support, can significantly impact employee mental health. Research in workplace settings indicates that supportive leadership is one essential strategy in mitigating these risks. For instance, Jones-Burkes (2024) discusses how leadership development programs focused on difficult conversations and creating supportive environments led to improved employee retention and wellbeing in healthcare settings. The UKG Workforce Report 2022, also quantifies the importance of supportive leadership finding that the quality of relationship an employee has with their leader at work accounts for up to 70% of an employee’s wellbeing. This highlights the critical role that leadership plays in establishing a culture of wellbeing and support. 

The Importance of Wellbeing Conversations in the Workplace 

Wellbeing conversations are vital for fostering a culture of openness and support within organisations. These conversations typically fall into three categories: 

  1. Check-in Conversations: Regular, informal check-ins to assess general wellbeing. 
  2. Support Conversations: Focused discussions when a specific issue is identified. 
  3. Developmental Conversations: Aligning personal and professional goals with wellbeing. 

Leaders who are trained to engage in these conversations can proactively address potential psychosocial hazards before they escalate, thereby creating a more supportive work environment. 

The Limitations of Traditional Mental Health First Aid Programs in the Workplace 

Traditional Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programs often focus on specific diagnoses and treatments, which may not be directly applicable to workplace leaders. Instead, workplace leaders benefit more from training that equips them with the skills to foster psychologically safe cultures and engage in meaningful wellbeing conversations. The focus should be on creating supportive environments rather than solely on mental health literacy, which may be more relevant in clinical settings than in the workplace. 

Case Study – Proven Culture Shifts Through Leader Training 

A national Australian retailer partnered with the Centre for Corporate Health to implement a comprehensive leader program that focused on wellbeing and mental health conversation skills for over 800 Area and Store Managers, aiming to create a more supportive workplace. This training not only boosted managerial confidence in having wellbeing conversations but also led to measurable improvements in staff feelings of support, as evidenced by significantly higher wellbeing scores in stores where managers had participated. This case study illustrates how effective leader training can filter down to teams, driving cultural shifts around mental health and wellbeing across the organisation. 

This October, during Mental Health Awareness Month, take a proactive step toward fostering a supportive and resilient workplace by investing in leader training. Equip your managers with the tools they need to confidently address mental health and wellbeing in their teams. This isn’t just about awareness—it’s about creating lasting change that makes a real difference. By empowering your leaders, you’re not only enhancing their skills but also positively impacting the wellbeing of your entire organisation. Start the shift today; your team’s future wellbeing depends on it.