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The Power of Asking “R U OK?” Any Day 

Every year, on R U OK? Day, we’re reminded of the importance of checking in with those around us, not just on one day but every day. This year’s theme, Ask R U OK? Any Day, highlights a crucial aspect of this initiative: the need to ask the question early, ask it often, and ask it regularly. 

There’s a growing debate about the impact of awareness days like R U OK? Day. Some argue that a single day dedicated to mental health can’t possibly make a lasting difference. However, research tells a different story. Awareness days can indeed move the needle and effect real societal change, and R U OK? Day is a prime example. 

Beyond the Day: A Workplace Strategy 

It’s important to note that R U OK? Day shouldn’t be viewed as a substitute for a comprehensive employee psychosocial and mental health strategy. However, when executed thoughtfully, it serves as a vital reminder to check in with colleagues, friends, and family members, at any time of the year. In the workplace, R U OK? Day can play a key role in fostering a culture where mental health conversations are not only accepted but expected part of the regular business as usual. 

R U OK? Day also offers a platform to promote engagement with internal employee wellbeing support services, reminding staff of the resources available to them. It’s a chance to reinforce the idea that asking “R U OK?” is a sign of strength and care, not a burden or an intrusion. 

With 65% of individuals with mental health conditions not receiving treatment, R U OK? Day presents a crucial opportunity for workplaces to promote early intervention through their employee assistance program (EAP). Given the current wait times to see a psychologist privately in Australia, which can range from 3 to 6 months, EAP is invaluable in bridging this gap. They offer employees access to registered psychologists, often securing appointments within 24 to 72 hours of the initial request, ensuring timely support when it’s needed most. 

The Evidence Behind the Impact 

Research from across Australia supports the significance of R U OK? Day. A population survey revealed that individuals who were aware of the initiative were more likely to engage in conversations about mental health. They were not only more willing to discuss their own challenges but also more open to hearing about the struggles of others. 

In addition, a review by Melbourne-based researchers examined the broader impact of suicide prevention media campaigns, including R U OK? Day. Their findings indicated that such campaigns lead to positive community impacts, such as increased help-seeking behaviours and improvements in attitudes towards suicide. 

As R U OK? Day approaches, it’s a timely reminder to all of us that mental health is an everyday concern, not just something to be acknowledged once a year. Let’s embrace the spirit of this year’s theme by making a habit of asking “R U OK?”—not just on the designated day but every day. By doing so, we contribute to a culture of care, support, and understanding, helping to create a world where mental health is prioritised, and everyone feels safe to speak up. 

In the end, the true power of R U OK? Day lies in its ability to inspire ongoing conversations that can lead to real, lasting change. Let’s use this day as a starting point, not an endpoint, and continue to ask the question that has the potential to save lives. 

Click here for more information on our sessions for this R U OK? Day to drive engagement with your employee wellbeing support services.